Today I realized that I haven't talked much about my everyday life on here. I've talked more about the things I like. Which kind of helps you get to know I right? Well, let me talk more about myself for once. :) Well, when I first started this blog I introduced myself a little. But let me get more into detail. Well, my name is Belle. I'm just a teen, 14 yrs old. Some of you may have thought that I'm older but well, I'm not. I'm in LOVE with fashion. I always try to add more to my wardrobe. It's plain right now but hopefully, someday it will be better. Full of designer brands such as Chanel, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vouitton, and other famous designer brands. When I introduced myself last time I said that I didn't like pink too much. I love it again! And my second favorite color is blue. It's so pretty and calming! My favorite food is sushi!! It's amazing! My favorite dessert is cheesecake! YUM. My favorite candy is either chocolate or skittles. I can't decide which! I love Starbucks' frappicinos! They're delicious! I wear glasses. I used to not but now I do. Without them I'm as blind as a bat. I've already told you guys that I want to be a model. I'm 5'7 and I'm 14, so am I tall enough? Everyone in my family has been a model. So I want to continue that. :) I'm a blond and at times I totally act like one too. Oops! I don't mean it, just sometimes I get confused with the simplest things. Or I confuse people a lot. Everyone tells me I have a blond voice! Not cool! Sometimes, I go on YouTube and I hear people and I'm like wow. They sound like the perfect blond. But then I webcammed with my bestie and I sounded just like a blond! GRR. >< I also am obsessed with Twilight. I tell everyone that I'm not but I totally am! I don't mean to be but I can't help myself! Every time I read a book from the sega or a new movie comes out I get obsessed all over again! Right now I'm reading New Moon and I love Jacob!! But then I saw a picture of Edward and I love him too! Edward is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous and Jacob is AMAZINGLY hot! So I can't choose a side! I'm angry that Bella can't choose both! But at least Jacob has her child. That's fair. Let's see...I like all types of music. I like alternative, indie, some pop...I hate rap with the passion. Same with screamo. Sorry if I offended some of you. I just don't like that type of music. I'm okay with everything else. I played the piano for 6 yrs. I didn't really end it it's just I had to sell my piano because I was moving and I haven't been able to get a new piano yet. I love playing the piano. It's like my get away from the world. My worries go behind me when I start to play. I really miss playing the piano. It's been almost a year now...Well, I'm kind of a nerd. I'm weird though because I have tons of friends and everything so I don't know why I say this. I guess that sometimes I feel like one. I like to spend my days at home reading all day. Ahh,whatever. Anyways, more about me. My parents named me after the movie Beauty & the Beast. They were crazy about the disney movies then so they wanted to name me Belle. I love my name so much! It means beautiful in French which I love. Also, it's such a unique name. I haven't met anyone yet who has the same name. People have Isabella, or Isabelle as a name but not just plain Belle. Which is so awesome! Oh! I forgot to mention I have VERY long fingers. So when I played the piano it was easier. I could just stretch my fingers across the keys. Mostly everyone think my fingers are very unique. I guess they are. I can make my fingers into a spider and I can make it walk. It's really funny :) I bite my nails...not really the actual nail my nails are pretty long right now but I tend to bite the skin. It's disgusting but it's a habit, it's not something I can change. Or is it? I try really hard to stop myself. Maybe someday my nails will be prettier. Well, sometimes I can be really nice and I get along with everyone. Except my sister. Yeah..I lose my temper pretty easily when she comes around. We're really close so maybe that's why. I'm super nice to her at times but sometimes I get ticked off at the simplest things. I try to control it but sometimes I lose it. Also, I'm a Christian. I'm not afraid to talk about God. I'm not going to talk about it much though because people have different views. It's just human nature. Well, I have a best friend. At my old school we were the only people we had. No one liked us and so things were hard. We spent 6th and 7th grade together but last summer I had to move. I feel so bad because she was by herself for 8th. I mean, it was terrible. We were without eachother and we're basically twins so it was really hard to say goodbye. We're still best friends and she's like my sister. We talk to each other everyday and we tell eachother absolutely EVERYTHING. And I'm not exaggerating. She's the first person I go to for advice on everything. She's the first to know if I like someone and same for her. I can't wait till Saturday, though! I live in Miami and she lives in Orlando. So, we don't get to see each other as much as we'd like. So, this Saturday we are meeting at a rest stop between the two cities and I am going to Orlando! I will be able to be with her for a week which is so awesome. We are spending 4th of July together and we are going to Acquatica! You guys have probably heard of that, right? So yeah. I'm counting down. So, 3 more days! Yay :) Well, have I told you guys enough about me? Hopefully I have!
Much love, Belle<3
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Marc by Marc Jacobs
Marc Jacobs! He is an American fashion designer(yay!). And his designs are very artisitic. In every Teen Vogue magazine they show some of his designs and so it inspired me to do this post. Thank you Teen Vogue! All of models have a unique look. He is originally from New York, which is very cool. Marc Jacobs is openly gay and was married in July 2009 but their marriage was not legally official until later that year. Marc Jacobs boutiques in the United States include multiple locations in New York, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, as well as shops in Boston, Bal Harbour, Las Vegas, Guam, Chicago, Savannah, and Provincetown, Massachusetts. Worldwide, his stores are located in Europe(Paris, London, Madrid, Compenhagen, and Moscow), the Middle East(Beirut, Riyadh, Dubai, Kuwait, and Doha), across Japan(Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nagoya, Sendai, Shizuoka, Nagano, Chiba, Matsuyama, and Tottori), Korea(Seoul), and also in Asia(Hong Kong, Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, and Bangkok). Marc Jacobs was chosen to be among the Time 100 most influential people in the world. He is also the Creative Director for Louis Vuitton.
See how Marc has such flawless designs? I would love to wear one of his designs! They're amazing! Lucky models :D Several celebrities have appeared in his ads. Such as singer M.I.A.
I had a feeling that this was her when I saw this in a magazine but I wasn't sure. Now I know! Marc Jacobs has gone beyond everything and is now one of the world's top designers. I would love to own some of his clothes someday. Even now having even a scarf of his would be amazing for me. I love the guy to death even though I don't know him how could you not love him? He has lived his dreams and is now giving the world his best. The 47 year old has done a lot. I can't believe he's that young. I mean, he's done so much for only a couple of years. You guys have to admit he's pretty amazing. Well, everyone thank you for listening! I appreciate it a lot :)
Much love, Belle<3
See how Marc has such flawless designs? I would love to wear one of his designs! They're amazing! Lucky models :D Several celebrities have appeared in his ads. Such as singer M.I.A.
I had a feeling that this was her when I saw this in a magazine but I wasn't sure. Now I know! Marc Jacobs has gone beyond everything and is now one of the world's top designers. I would love to own some of his clothes someday. Even now having even a scarf of his would be amazing for me. I love the guy to death even though I don't know him how could you not love him? He has lived his dreams and is now giving the world his best. The 47 year old has done a lot. I can't believe he's that young. I mean, he's done so much for only a couple of years. You guys have to admit he's pretty amazing. Well, everyone thank you for listening! I appreciate it a lot :)
Much love, Belle<3
Monday, June 28, 2010
Artsy Images
Well, today I was viewing my best friend's blog( and she was talking about a website called AnotherMag. So I had the desire to check it out! I mean it seemed like such a cool website so why not look? So I went to the website and it was beautiful. Millions of fashion images and everything I could dream of :) I recommend the website to all of you. I bet you'll enjoy it. Well anyways, today I looked up fashion images because I was desperate for something new here. I'm honest, huh? Well, I hope you guys like them and let me know what you think.
I found these all super unique! I mean, I guess this is what you get when you put artists and designers side by side to work with eachother. I totally adore the people who created such magnificent pieces. Let me know what you guys think :)
I found these all super unique! I mean, I guess this is what you get when you put artists and designers side by side to work with eachother. I totally adore the people who created such magnificent pieces. Let me know what you guys think :)
xo, Belle<3
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Well, you guys might not have know but I am a HUGE fan of Twilight and the whole Twilight saga. So, as most you guys should know Eclipse( the third book of the set) is coming out in theaters on Wednesday. I am beyond excited and I can not wait to see the movie. I remember when I first read Twilight I was completely hooked. I couldn't stop reading it. I can be a romantic at times and so this book was amazing to me. I easily fell in love with all the characters and as soon as Twilight came out I was rushing to the movie theaters. So, of course I had to read New Moon. I was craving to read more of this thrilling series. So, the second I got the chance I attacked the book. I got hooked to this also and I couldn't stop reading. When I read how Edward was leaving Bella I was so upset and I could almost clearly feel her pain. I was so angry I wanted to throw the book but I resisted. Instead my eyes filled up with tears but I told myself to hold them back. I immediately fell in love with Jacob Black. Bella's hero! I was so happy that he was helping her and filling up the hole in her chest(as she describes it). Of course, I was also upset with Jacob when he started ignoring her but eventually he came back to rescue her from the pain. Then, even though Jacob was amazing Bella ended up choosing Edward. I like them both so I don't know what to say. I mean Edward is a BEAUTIFUL vampire, while Jacob is a HOT werewolf. So how can I choose between the two? Honestly though, with the movie I don't think they chose the right guy for Edward but definitely the right guy for Jacob. I have posters of them both all up in my room so I get to stare at them both :) Then, Eclipse! This is where Victoria comes in. AGH! She scares me to death. I think she's perfect in the movie. Of course I haven't seen her in action except for Twilight, though. The vampire army comes and the goal is to keep Bella safe. Weirdly, the werewolves were working with the vampires to save Bella!! Their wish came true though! Bella was saved. Well, Breaking Dawn is the last book! This is where Bella and Edward get married! They have their honeymoon and Bella gets pregnant!! She has bruises all over the place and the baby causes her pain! Edward of course can't live like this he can't bear seeing Bella in pain. He turns her into a vampire and she turns out so gorgeous that she can't believe it. Haha! Sorry if some of you haven't read it and I'm telling you what happens. Do you guys like Twilight? What do you guys think of it? AHHHHHH! I'm so excited! Are you guys? Well, sorry if you guys don't like Twilight too much! As you can tell I love it a little too much!
Much love, Belle<3

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Miu Miu

Friday, June 25, 2010
Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg "California Gurls" Official Music Video HD
Well, this is the video for Katy Perry's California Girls! I thought it was so cute how it was in a candy land! Katy Perry always tends to surprise me! I love her blue hair and how she's not afraid to say what she thinks! She's so awesome! :)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Live your life the best you can
Can anyone tell me that life goes by way too fast? I think it does. I miss my childhood where there was no worries, only when you lost your favorite barbie doll. Now that I'm older there are a lot more worries and so much more responsibility. I mean, I know I shouldn't be talking about this. I mean I'm still a kid! But I wish I could go back to when I was in kindergarten and I had my first crush. Or I cried because I couldn't get that one toy I really wanted. Now I'm older and I need to live my life the best way I can. I need to take each step at a time. Like when I first started walking just take one simple little step at a time. I have big dreams for the future and to accomplish those I need to accomplish each day that comes. Like there's no tomorrow because you can't change the past. I bet everyone has a time where they wish they could go back and change what had happened. Like when you had a huge fight with your best friend over something so stupid and you look back on it and think "Why did I do that?" Especially when it could've ruined your friendship? Sure, people go through things but you know there's no excuse to the way you acted. So, focus on what you have now because in 10 years you might not have it so nice. Be grateful, because what you have now is better than living on streets begging for food. So, if you have a fight with someone go back to them and apologize. Love them as much as you can because you never know when they'll leave your life. If you have a dream start walking toward that and don't give up! I've met so many people that listened to other people and then gave up on their dreams. Don't do that to yourself because if you give up you're destroying what could've been. Suppose, if you wanted to be a scientist you could've found the cure for cancer! But if you give up where's that going to take the world? No one. Change the world! Someone can make the world a better place but if they give up the world will just stay the same. How many times have you said mean things about some celebrity? Maybe you don't like them but you don't know what's going on inside. Maybe they've lost a loved one. Or maybe they're just depressed? Leave them alone! Because what goes around comes around. Ever done something cruel to someone? So cruel it made them cry and it ruined their day? Well, don't worry it will come back around! All I'm trying to say is be the best person you can, and live your dreams no matter what ANYONE says! :)
Stars - Your Ex-Lover Is Dead
I love this song! It's so sad but I love it! I think you guys will enjoy it! :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
GO USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello loves! I bet you've all heard about the World Cup, you know soccer? Well, today the USA team played against Algeria. The winners of the game enter to compete in the World Cup. This is a big deal and so if the USA won the game it would be great news. So, the game started and throughout the whole game no team could score a point! It was driving everyone crazy! Even me, which I did not expect. The games are 90 minutes. Sometimes if there is a tie or if no one has scored a point(in this case) they add more time. Since no one had scored yet four more minutes were added. Hopefully, the USA could get their heads in the game and score a goal. Counting down in my head the 91 minute was starting and then Landon Donovan scored a goal!!!! The USA was celebrating! I was jumping up and down when I saw this! Then the game came to an end and guess who won? THE USA!!!!!!!!!!!! :) They worked so hard so for them to win was a huge deal for them! Donovan was the hero this time! He's my favorite person on the team also so I was super excited! Everyone worked so hard so they totally deserved to win! GO USA!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Summer has officially started!
Hey everyone! Yesterday was the first day of summer! I started it off just right by hitting the beach and relaxing with the family! The weather was perfect so summer is off to a good start this year!! Well, I want to start the summer off with a summer post! How awesome is that? Well, I am going to tell you guys what you gotta have in your closet this summer! I made this set on polyvore which shows the necessities of the summer!

I found these items were necessary to enjoy the summer. Hope you guys have fun this summer!! :D
Much love, Belle<3
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Amazing Chanel
Well, hello loves! (my common saying) Today is Father's day! I hope you all have a good time with your dad today :) Well, today I was looking at the Chanel website and I found amazing shoes! I do not know which ones I love the most. They're all fabulous!! Chanel was an amazing fashion icon, care to learn more?
The history of Coco Chanel
Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel was born on August 19, 1883 in the small town of Saumur in France. The employees of the hospital of which she was born were illiterate so they could not provide the correct surname. Instead they spelled it "Chasnel." This mispelling made it almost impossible for biographers to be able to trace Chanels roots. She had five siblings, two sisters and three brothers. In 1895, when Chanel was 12 her mother died of tuberculosis and her dad later left the family. Because of this Chanel had to live in an orphanage where she learned the trade of a seamstress. School vacations were spent with relatives who taught her to sew with more flourish than the nuns at the monastery could demonstrate. At the age of 18 she left the orphanage and took off for the town of Moulins to become a cabaret singer. This time she sang in clubs and got the nickname of "Chanel." Though she failed to become a singer this is where she met Etienne Balsan, to whom she soon became a mistress, working in a tailoring shop. While living with Balsan Coco started to become very interested in the designing of hats. After opening her eyes she left Balsan and took over his apartment in Paris. Then, in 1910 Chanel became a licensed modiste and opened her own boutique at 21 rue Cambon, Paris named Chanel Modes. Chanel's career boomed when theatre actress Gabrielle Dorizat modeled her hats in the play Bel Ami. In 1913 she opened up another boutique in the town of Deauville where she introduced casual clothing for leisure. In 1915, Chanel launched her career as a fashion designer after opening her next boutique Chanel-Biarittz. By 1919, she was registered as a couturiere and established her maison de couture at 31 rue Cambon. In 1939, the beginning of World War II, Chanel closed her shops. She believed that it was not a time of fashion. In 1945 she moved to Switzerland but then in 1954 she moved back to Paris and returned to the fashion world. There was an even a movie about her Coco Chanel debuted on September 13, 2008. Chanel was the first start to the world of fashion. Coco Chanel brought us the little black dress, the Chanel suit and jacket, bell bottoms, and Chanel No. 5 perfume. Chanel was a very elegant woman and her fashion still lives on. The popular fashion shows of Coco Chanel

Chanel's fashion still lives on. Though her stuff is expensive I truly adore it. Above is a fashion show for the spring/summer collection of 2010. Chanel was one huge inspiration for millions.
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”- Coco Chanel
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Fun at the mall :D
Hello loves!! Today was a very good day :) Today I went to the mall and I got a Danny Roberts shirt! I was so happy! It wasn't the one with the hearts but instead it's this one! I so did not expect to get this one but I love it! So I'm happy :D Well, at the mall I met some of my friends. Martin and Jacob. They are very awesome people and I had so much fun hanging out with them! It's so funny because Jacob looks just like Jacob Black from Twilight. It's very cool. They made my day very fun! I will eventually post pics of our fun day! Well, sorry I haven't been making much posts lately!! But thank you all for supporting me and I promise to write more soon :)
I love you guys, Belle<3
I love you guys, Belle<3
Top 10 songs of the week
Well, lately I have been out of ideas of what to write about but I'm trying long and hard to think. Today I am bringing you the Top 10 Songs of the Week!!! Who's excited? I know you guys are! Well, I'm not a big fan of this type of music but you guys may just be the biggest fans of these artist!
Top Ten Songs of the Week
1) California Gurls- Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg
2) OMG- Usher featuring
3) Airplanes- B.o.B. featuring Hayley Williams
4) Your love is my drug- Ke$ha
5)Billionaire- Travie McCoy featuring Bruno Mars
6)Not Afraid- Eminem
7) Hey, Soul Sister- Train
8) Rock that body- Black Eyed Peas
9)Alejandro- Lady Gaga
10) Bulletproof-La Roux
Well, what do you guys think? Do you agree with their placements or do you think that Lady Gaga should have been in the number 2 slot? Well, tell me what you think!
xo, Belle<3
Friday, June 18, 2010
Who doesn't love a kitty who is totally adorable??

Much love, Belle <3
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Danny Roberts new collection for Forever 21
Hello loves! Well, lately I have been crazy over Danny Roberts new collection for Forever 21! If you guys do not know who he is he's the famous blogger of Igor and Andre( He is a fabulous artist and had drawn portraits of four talented bloggers. These portraits are now on tees for Forever 21! I love all the shirts! I want the one with the person who has hearts on her cheeks!! Tell me which one you guys like the best!
Much love, Belle <3
Much love, Belle <3
Fashion sets from Polyvore
Well today I don't have much to write about but I wanted to post some sets!!! So this one was just a
random one full of cuteness! Hope you guys like! :)
Now this one is all full of pink and white. Like I said before I'm sick of pink but I want to put it up anyways! :D Well, today I have nothing to write about! Just wanted to put these sets up! Hope you guys like!!
Much love, Belle <3
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Fashion Icon of the Week
Well, I am going to give you guys something new today. I thought of something that might interest some of you, every week I will be talking about a fashion icon that may be popular today or had a big role in fashion. So, this week I kept contemplating between a few icons but I finally made the choice! Today I will be talking about.................TWIGGY!!! Yay! Who doesn't love her? Well, Twiggy was born on September 19, 1949 in Neasden a suburb in London. Twiggy started modeling at the age of 16, and became known as one the first prominent teenage model. Everyone loved her for her long eyelashes, big eyes, and thin build. Twiggy has two other sisters both who are older than her. Twiggy was married to American actor Michael Witney, who later died from a heart attack. They had a daughter, Carly, who was born in 1978. After his tragic death Twiggy married Leigh Lawson in 1988. He adopted Carly, who took on his surname. The couple now lives in London.
Twiggy's Modeling Career
Well, as we all know Twiggy marked fashion history with her modeling career. Twiggy got her look from a hairdresser who was looking for models to have their hair cropped short. He tried it out on Twiggy and voila! There was Twiggy's signature hairstyle. At the age of 16 her career quickly took off. She was 5'6(short for a model), weighed only a mere 91 lb., and had a slim figure. Her hairdresser boyfriend, soon became her manager and persuaded her to change her name from Lesley to Twiggy. (getting the name from her childhood nickname "Twigs") Twiggy soon became popular. She was seen in fashion magazines across the world and eventually brought out her own clothing line "Twiggy Dresses" Twiggy was criticized for promoting an "unhealthy" body ideal for women because of her boyish-looks. Though, Twiggy did have many supporters. Twiggy started a stage for many young girls and she still does.
Twiggy acting and singing career
After four years of modeling Twiggy retired wanting something other than posing for a picture. So, Twiggy set off for something else and found her own talent in acting and singing. Twiggy starred in films such as The Boyfriend. She became a great actress and won two Golden Globe Awards in 1972. She even hosted her own British television series Twiggs which was later changed to Twiggy. After this she set off on her singing career. She appeared on many things such as The Muppet Show in which she sand "In My Life" a Beatles song. Twiggy then released two albums, Twiggy and Please Get my Name Right. These albums sold very well. Then between 1980-1999 she worked on many acting projects. Then in 2001 Twiggy co-hosted the British magazine programme This Morning. She later released yet another album Midnight Blue. She then starred as a guest judge on America's Next Top Model for seasons 5-9.
Twiggy has done lots of work. So much I don't even know where to begin! She is a huge inspiration for not only me but millions of others out there who dream to be just like her. She is still a huge fashion icon and I can't help but love her. Twiggy will never get boring as long as I know. Well, GO TWIGGY! :)
xo, Belle <3
Twiggy's Modeling Career
Well, as we all know Twiggy marked fashion history with her modeling career. Twiggy got her look from a hairdresser who was looking for models to have their hair cropped short. He tried it out on Twiggy and voila! There was Twiggy's signature hairstyle. At the age of 16 her career quickly took off. She was 5'6(short for a model), weighed only a mere 91 lb., and had a slim figure. Her hairdresser boyfriend, soon became her manager and persuaded her to change her name from Lesley to Twiggy. (getting the name from her childhood nickname "Twigs") Twiggy soon became popular. She was seen in fashion magazines across the world and eventually brought out her own clothing line "Twiggy Dresses" Twiggy was criticized for promoting an "unhealthy" body ideal for women because of her boyish-looks. Though, Twiggy did have many supporters. Twiggy started a stage for many young girls and she still does.
Twiggy acting and singing career
After four years of modeling Twiggy retired wanting something other than posing for a picture. So, Twiggy set off for something else and found her own talent in acting and singing. Twiggy starred in films such as The Boyfriend. She became a great actress and won two Golden Globe Awards in 1972. She even hosted her own British television series Twiggs which was later changed to Twiggy. After this she set off on her singing career. She appeared on many things such as The Muppet Show in which she sand "In My Life" a Beatles song. Twiggy then released two albums, Twiggy and Please Get my Name Right. These albums sold very well. Then between 1980-1999 she worked on many acting projects. Then in 2001 Twiggy co-hosted the British magazine programme This Morning. She later released yet another album Midnight Blue. She then starred as a guest judge on America's Next Top Model for seasons 5-9.
Twiggy has done lots of work. So much I don't even know where to begin! She is a huge inspiration for not only me but millions of others out there who dream to be just like her. She is still a huge fashion icon and I can't help but love her. Twiggy will never get boring as long as I know. Well, GO TWIGGY! :)
xo, Belle <3
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
My amazing best friend Shaurie
Much love, Belle
Seeing the world in a better view and more..
My decision, seeing the world in a better view
Well, last night I couldn't sleep and I made a decision. I decided that I was sick of not being able to see so I will wear my glasses 24/7 now. Not literally but you guys know what I mean! I started wearing my glasses today and I love it already! I can see everybody in a better light and so I am a lot happier person. So, now I can see the world in a better view and maybe I look like a nerd because I wear glasses. But actually, wearing glasses is a very cool style. You can see lots of models in fashion magazines wearing them and it's not so bad. When people see others wearing glasses they pop out of the crowd. Many people label others who wear glasses "the girl/boy with the glasses" but I mean, don't we all? But I am happy with my glasses and now I can finally see the world in a better view.
Looking forward to the weekend
I am so looking forward to this weekend! My bestie Shaurie who I spoke about in my last post is planning on coming and visiting me! We do not live in the same city anymore so we really miss eachother! She might not but I so hope they do! I haven't seen her since November when we saw New Moon(2nd twilight movie) together. I miss her so much! So hopefully, she comes and visits! I am very lonely without her here by my side! :) Well, hope you guys are enjoying my posts!!
xo, Belle
Well, last night I couldn't sleep and I made a decision. I decided that I was sick of not being able to see so I will wear my glasses 24/7 now. Not literally but you guys know what I mean! I started wearing my glasses today and I love it already! I can see everybody in a better light and so I am a lot happier person. So, now I can see the world in a better view and maybe I look like a nerd because I wear glasses. But actually, wearing glasses is a very cool style. You can see lots of models in fashion magazines wearing them and it's not so bad. When people see others wearing glasses they pop out of the crowd. Many people label others who wear glasses "the girl/boy with the glasses" but I mean, don't we all? But I am happy with my glasses and now I can finally see the world in a better view.
Looking forward to the weekend
I am so looking forward to this weekend! My bestie Shaurie who I spoke about in my last post is planning on coming and visiting me! We do not live in the same city anymore so we really miss eachother! She might not but I so hope they do! I haven't seen her since November when we saw New Moon(2nd twilight movie) together. I miss her so much! So hopefully, she comes and visits! I am very lonely without her here by my side! :) Well, hope you guys are enjoying my posts!!
xo, Belle
Check My Best Friend's Blog Out! :)
My bestie Shaurie inspired me to make a blog. She made the header for my blog and designed the whole format for it. She has done a lot for me and help me a lot. I want you guys to check her blog: . Leave her a nice comment, her blog is awesome, and she works hard on it. She is also making a photography blog so look out for that! :)
-Much love, Belle
-Much love, Belle
Monday, June 14, 2010
The photos I promised
Well, hello loves! I put a few of the pics from the park! (just like i promised) Well, 1.) This pic is of me and my sister I was telling you guys about! I love hers! :D 2.) This picture was of the beautiful water I was talking about! I can't get my mind off of it! Isn't it amazing? 3.) This picture was just random! I love my converse so I felt like putting it up. 4.) Finally, this picture is of me! I felt like taking a pic with a heart! Hehe. I was feeling the love <3 Well, I'll post some more pics up soon! Enjoy!




Much love, Belle :)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
What Stepdads & Sisters Do
What my step dad does...
Well today, I was telling my mom about how I was making a blog. She didn't understand what a blog was, so she asked my step dad what it was. He said he didn't know what it was either, so he started asking me questions. He was like ," Belle what is a Blog?"
So, I kept on trying to tell him that it was hard to explain and it was something that you had to explore yourself. Then he was telling me that I had to ask his permission to do anything like this (what!?). He was like,"You need to show me."
At this time I was at my boiling point, so I rushed through my dinner and didn't eat the rest of it. I hope my step dad doesn't make me delete my blog like he made me delete my Twitter (I had to make a new one.). Hopefully, he would soon understand how much this blog means to me and doesn't make me delete it.
What my sister does...
Now, I truly do love my sister, but sometimes there are moments, that make that love turn into less. Well today my sister, could not find her favorite ring. So she kept begging me to help her, and eventually, like always, I was tired of her and I gave in. So I started helping her find her ring, and after I tried looking for it for a long time, I got tired and went on the computer, but, she said I was not allowed to go on until I found her ring. I was telling her she could not make me do things that I don't wanna do, but she just ignored me (like always). So I continued looking for her ring, because I did not want to get hurt. She hurts me by hitting me very hard, scratching me until my skin peels, or she digs her deep nails into my skin until I bleed and develop a scab. So I started looking for the ring one more time, but I could not find it. Then like before, I walked back to the computer, again she said,"You are not to go to the computer or sit down until you find my ring." This time I just ignored her, then thankfully she did not hurt me, and yes, eventually the ring was found(phew!)
Well today, I was telling my mom about how I was making a blog. She didn't understand what a blog was, so she asked my step dad what it was. He said he didn't know what it was either, so he started asking me questions. He was like ," Belle what is a Blog?"
So, I kept on trying to tell him that it was hard to explain and it was something that you had to explore yourself. Then he was telling me that I had to ask his permission to do anything like this (what!?). He was like,"You need to show me."
At this time I was at my boiling point, so I rushed through my dinner and didn't eat the rest of it. I hope my step dad doesn't make me delete my blog like he made me delete my Twitter (I had to make a new one.). Hopefully, he would soon understand how much this blog means to me and doesn't make me delete it.
What my sister does...
Now, I truly do love my sister, but sometimes there are moments, that make that love turn into less. Well today my sister, could not find her favorite ring. So she kept begging me to help her, and eventually, like always, I was tired of her and I gave in. So I started helping her find her ring, and after I tried looking for it for a long time, I got tired and went on the computer, but, she said I was not allowed to go on until I found her ring. I was telling her she could not make me do things that I don't wanna do, but she just ignored me (like always). So I continued looking for her ring, because I did not want to get hurt. She hurts me by hitting me very hard, scratching me until my skin peels, or she digs her deep nails into my skin until I bleed and develop a scab. So I started looking for the ring one more time, but I could not find it. Then like before, I walked back to the computer, again she said,"You are not to go to the computer or sit down until you find my ring." This time I just ignored her, then thankfully she did not hurt me, and yes, eventually the ring was found(phew!)
Random pics :)
The pretty park :D
Well, today my sister and I went to a park. It was so pretty! Water was right there and I could just smell the ocean. :D We had a picnic and then I took some pictures! I'll post the pictures ASAP! I kept talking about how beautiful the water was and I got her to admit that it truly was beautiful. It was very hot outside but I didn't care because I didn't want to leave just yet! There were lots of people outside today, and some guys were even playing soccer. I guess I wasn't the only one who enjoys the sun. There were many trees and lots of greenery. We brought my baby (my dog), Flower! Haha! She's such a cutie. :) Many people bring their dogs outside to play at the park. I didn't want to leave but eventually we had to. The park was a small place but it made me realize that there are so many beautiful places in the world. And even if things may seem small if you actually take a look at it, it may be special in it's own way. The water was very pretty, but I noticed that there was trash in it. I don't like how people think they can just throw things out into the ocean like that but whatever. As long as I don't! Eventually I'll try putting up some pictures here to make this place a little more lively!
Much love, Belle <3
Much love, Belle <3
Saturday, June 12, 2010
What a day...
Follow my blog with bloglovin Today was not much of a good I woke up and my head started to hurt and my mouth felt numb. At first I ignored this and I went to have some breakfast. After breakfast I went back to my bed to rest because I was starting to feel worse. Then my stomach began to start hurting and all of a sudden I felt like I was about to throw up. So I went to the bathroom and no success. So then I went back to bed and I about ten minutes I felt it coming. So I ran to the bathroom and I threw up twice. I won't give you any more gory details. It wasn't pretty though. :)
Well anyways, when I'm grown up enough I want to live in New York. Yes, it is very expensive to live there. I mean to even live in a studio the average price per month is $1769. And studios are quite small. I would love to someday see the Statue of Liberty, and even go to Fashion week in New York. I've dreamed of New York and being big in the fashion business ever since I was little. New York is a big fashion capital and I'd love to visit there. Though, I live in a fashion capital myself, it is not the same as New York. I want to be in the busy traffic in New York and be in the middle of all the honking. Haha! That would be some story to tell!! I've also wanted to go on the very top of the Empire State Building. It would scare me at first to be up so high but I wouldn't forget it. Also, if I were ever to visit New York I would also love to go to Times Square. It would be amazing to go there for New Year's Eve to see the big ball drop! I'd love to see broadway there also. It would be awesome to see New York. Well, that's it!
Much love, Belle
Well anyways, when I'm grown up enough I want to live in New York. Yes, it is very expensive to live there. I mean to even live in a studio the average price per month is $1769. And studios are quite small. I would love to someday see the Statue of Liberty, and even go to Fashion week in New York. I've dreamed of New York and being big in the fashion business ever since I was little. New York is a big fashion capital and I'd love to visit there. Though, I live in a fashion capital myself, it is not the same as New York. I want to be in the busy traffic in New York and be in the middle of all the honking. Haha! That would be some story to tell!! I've also wanted to go on the very top of the Empire State Building. It would scare me at first to be up so high but I wouldn't forget it. Also, if I were ever to visit New York I would also love to go to Times Square. It would be amazing to go there for New Year's Eve to see the big ball drop! I'd love to see broadway there also. It would be awesome to see New York. Well, that's it!
Much love, Belle
Friday, June 11, 2010
Yay! School's out for the summer! Now I finally get to sleep in. :) Well, I don't know what this summer has in store for me but I'm ready to find out! Shaurie is coming to visit next Friday which I am so excited for! Also, my older sister is coming for her birthday! My brother, her boyfriend, and her friend are also tagging along! We are going to have lots of fun! This summer I want to relax and lay out by the pool. I'm for sure going to see Eclipse(the third movie of the Twilight saga, im a big fan!) maybe with Shaurie. So far we've seen Twilight and New Moon together so I hope we get to continue the tradition! Well, like I said in my first post I am interested in modeling. So this summer my mom is taking me to Elite modeling agency. I'm 5'7 and so I'll be growing even taller. Well next year I start highschool! I may be going to a new school(again...) and so I do not know what to expect! I'm scared but excited for what will happen at the same time! Well anyways, I hope this summer is lots of fun and brings lots of memories along the way!! SUMMER 2010 HERE I COME!
Being Belle
Hello everyone!! Well, I am going to tell you more about me!! I currently live in Miami. My hometown is Orlando. I have a best friend named Shaurie who I sadly had to leave in Orlando. We still keep in touch but I miss her so much! I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. We're all pretty close! I have a stepdad and a mom who I love! I like to try experiment with my style. A lot of the time I'm afraid to say certain things because I don't know what to expect. My favorite color has been turquoise lately but ever since I was little my all time favorite color has been pink. Lately it's been getting old though. My favorite animal is the owl but before it was the Flamingo. My favorite food is sushi and my favorite store is Forever 21. They have some of the best clothes! Like I said before I am very much interested in fashion. I love fashion! It's my life. I don't have a favorite type of music. I listen to all types. I am a Christian and I love the Lord. I know I'm giving you this information way too fast. Sorry! :) Well, that's some more about me! The more I write in this blog the more you'll find out about me!
Joining the world of blogging
Hello everyone :) I am Belle. Yup. I am new to the blogging world. My best friend Shaurie inspired me to start a blog. She has her own blog A'traverse, which is amazing. You should check it out ( ;) Well, I love being myself. Some may say that I'm quiet but once you get to know me I'm quite loud. I love to express myself with my style and I love to have fun. I dream of becoming a fashion model when I'm older and after that a fashion merchandiser. I like dreaming about what will happen later on in my life. I tend to dream big, do big, and be big. My life is very simple but I try to make it more complex. Some may think I'm just like everybody else but I try to be different and stand out of the crowd. Well, enough about me! I hope you all enjoy my blog. :)
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