Well, you guys might not have know but I am a HUGE fan of Twilight and the whole Twilight saga. So, as most you guys should know Eclipse( the third book of the set) is coming out in theaters on Wednesday. I am beyond excited and I can not wait to see the movie. I remember when I first read Twilight I was completely hooked. I couldn't stop reading it. I can be a romantic at times and so this book was amazing to me. I easily fell in love with all the characters and as soon as Twilight came out I was rushing to the movie theaters. So, of course I had to read New Moon. I was craving to read more of this thrilling series. So, the second I got the chance I attacked the book. I got hooked to this also and I couldn't stop reading. When I read how Edward was leaving Bella I was so upset and I could almost clearly feel her pain. I was so angry I wanted to throw the book but I resisted. Instead my eyes filled up with tears but I told myself to hold them back. I immediately fell in love with Jacob Black. Bella's hero! I was so happy that he was helping her and filling up the hole in her chest(as she describes it). Of course, I was also upset with Jacob when he started ignoring her but eventually he came back to rescue her from the pain. Then, even though Jacob was amazing Bella ended up choosing Edward. I like them both so I don't know what to say. I mean Edward is a BEAUTIFUL vampire, while Jacob is a HOT werewolf. So how can I choose between the two? Honestly though, with the movie I don't think they chose the right guy for Edward but definitely the right guy for Jacob. I have posters of them both all up in my room so I get to stare at them both :) Then, Eclipse! This is where Victoria comes in. AGH! She scares me to death. I think she's perfect in the movie. Of course I haven't seen her in action except for Twilight, though. The vampire army comes and the goal is to keep Bella safe. Weirdly, the werewolves were working with the vampires to save Bella!! Their wish came true though! Bella was saved. Well, Breaking Dawn is the last book! This is where Bella and Edward get married! They have their honeymoon and Bella gets pregnant!! She has bruises all over the place and the baby causes her pain! Edward of course can't live like this he can't bear seeing Bella in pain. He turns her into a vampire and she turns out so gorgeous that she can't believe it. Haha! Sorry if some of you haven't read it and I'm telling you what happens. Do you guys like Twilight? What do you guys think of it? AHHHHHH! I'm so excited! Are you guys? Well, sorry if you guys don't like Twilight too much! As you can tell I love it a little too much!
Much love, Belle<3

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